Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura <p><strong>Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan</strong> (<a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1338126340&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>p-</strong><strong>ISSN</strong><strong>: </strong><strong>2086</strong><strong>-</strong><strong>4876</strong></a>, <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1484033366&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>e-ISSN: 2549-063X</strong></a>) is a scientific journal containing research articles in education scope. Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan is published twice a year (February and August) by Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Universitas Lancang Kuning. Now, Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan has been indexed by Google Scholar, SINTA, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Crossref, Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA) which is formerly known as Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), Dimensions, EBSCO, Vancouver Public Library, Indonesia OneSearch by PERPUSNAS, BASE, ROAD, Harvard Library, WorldCat, SOLO (University of Oxford), CORE, Standford Libraries, StarPlus (The University of Sheffield), and many more. <strong>Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan</strong> has been accredited <a href="https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/detail?id=4174" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>(SINTA 3)</strong></a> by Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia since 2021 up to 2025 according to the decree No. <span style="left: 560.167px; top: 258.862px; font-size: 20px; font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(1.31734);">158/</span><span style="left: 597.167px; top: 258.862px; font-size: 20px; font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(1.17866);">E/KPT/2021</span>.</p> Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP), Universitas Lancang Kuning en-US Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2086-4876 Student’s Science Literacy in Science Learning at Elementary School https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/16068 <p><em>This study aims to describe literacy in science learning in elementary schools. This study uses a type of qualitative research. This research was conducted at SDN 1 Karangsari which is located in Karangsari Village, Kec. Rowosari, Kab. Kendal, Prov. Central Java with postal code 51354. This analysis makes use of both primary and secondary sources of information. Interviews, observations, and field notes are all tools used in data collection. Methods for gathering data, reducing it, presenting it, and drawing conclusions from it. Use data triangulation to verify the accuracy of your findings. The conclusion of this study is that scientific literacy in science learning at SDN 1 Karangsari has been instilled. With reference to indicators, identify and explain scientifically valid phenomena (about blood circulation), evaluate and design investigations (about the properties of light), interpret data and conclusions based on scientific evidence (about the occurrence of rainbows).</em></p> Rizky Cahyaningtyas Anatri Desstya Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 1 14 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.16068 Teaching English in Inclusive Primary School: Teachers’ Challenges and Coping Strategies https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/16217 <p>This research investigated the teachers' challenges and coping strategies in teaching English in ZonaKata Inclusive Primary School in the academic year 2022/2023. This research was designed as qualitative case-study research to discover teachers' challenges and coping strategies when teaching English in inclusive settings. Five teachers who teach grades one through five at ZonaKata Inclusive Primary School participated in the study. The observation, interviews, and a review of the documents showed that the students' emotional-behavioral problems and communication-language features problems are the teacher's challenges during English teaching-learning. Therefore, the coping strategies that the teachers used were through developing and maintaining a good relationship with the students, differentiation (content, process, and product) to accommodate the different needs of the students, and collaboration between teachers in teaching. In short, the combination of these strategies effectively dealt with challenges and is recommended for teaching English in inclusive schools.</p> Shilvani Shilvani Yohanes Gatot Sutapa Yuliana Clarry Sada Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 15 26 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.16217 Developing Phonics Teaching Media and Materials-Based Flip Book https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/16248 <p>This research aimed to develop an electronic book for teaching phonics. This was a Research and Development (R&amp;D) study with four stages. The subjects of the study were K2 students and K2 teachers of Tunas Bangsa school. The research procedures were adapted from Jolly and Bolitho’s model consisting of identification of need for materials, production of materials, student use of materials, evaluation of materials against agreed objectives. This research data was collected through interview, observation and material aspects validation sheet which are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The materials writing and implementation findings revealed that the materials were considered appropriate and relevant with the students’ and teachers’ needs as they provided specific phonics materials and meaningful activities for K2 students. It was supported by the results from the aspects of the developed materials, which were 3.93, which was in the range of 3.25 &lt; x ≤ 4 and can be categorized as “very good”.</p> Lilis Patria Yohanes Gatot Sutapa Yuliana Ikhsanudin Ikhsanudin Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 27 38 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.16248 Reading Interest and Teacher’s Efforts in Increasing Reading Interest for Elementary Schools https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/16353 <p><em>Interest in reading is one aspect that is the progress of the nation and state. Reading provides a cognitive experience that can stimulate the mind. The research was conducted at Mangkubumen Kidul Elementary School No.16 Laweyan District, Surakarta City. The purpose of the research conducted by researchers is to analyze the efforts made by teachers to increase students' reading interest. The research method used by researchers is qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects included school principals, teachers and students in class II and class V. The object of the study was the teacher's efforts to increase students' interest in reading at Mangkubumen Kidul Elementary School No. 16. The data validity technique used is data triangulation. Data analysis used is data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results and research findings include teachers having strategies by motivating students always read and creating an academic and literative environment. The obstacle experienced is the competition between reading books and current gadgets which greatly influences students to have a good character of interest in reading.</em></p> Ria Rizky Maryatiningsih Muhammad Abduh Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 39 50 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.16353 The Role of Guidance and Counseling Teacher Services in Implementing Individual Counseling to Improve Learning Independence https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/16568 <p><em>Education is an integral part of the development of national and state life, as stated in Law no. 20 of 2003 article l. However, there are several obstacles that occur in realizing education, including the lack of student learning independence. So the role of guidance and counseling teachers is needed in dealing with this problem. Therefore, researchers want to know the role of guidance and counseling teachers in carrying out individual counseling to increase student learning independence at SMAN 1 Mranggen. This research uses a qualitative research method design. The data collection technique in this research is by using direct observation, interviews and documentation. This data analysis uses the Milles and Huberman data analysis model, namely: data collection, data reduction, data presentation. Drawing conclusions/verification. In this research, the criteria for trustworthiness are used, namely: long-standing interest, persistent observation in research, and triangulation testing. The results obtained in the research show that: The role of the guidance and counseling teacher at SMAN 1 Mranggen is very useful for students who have problems. Guidance and Guidance Teachers have duties and responsibilities in guidance and counseling service activities for students. Guidance and counseling service activities at school are activities to help students find their identity. With the presence of a guidance and counseling teacher, students become better than before so that student learning independence can be handled well.</em></p> Siti Kholifah Siti Khoiriyah Heri Saptadi Ismanto Padmi Dhyah Yulianti Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 51 63 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.16568 Students’ Perspective on the Implementation of Gagne’s Nine Instructional Events in Collaborative Project-Based English Language Teaching https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/17249 <p><em>This research is a qualitative study that aims to describe students' perspectives on the implementation of Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction in the process of project-based collaborative learning in English subject at one of the high schools in Batam. The informants of this study were 132 students from three classes of grade XI. The data collection methods used were questionnaires and interviews with 6 students randomly selected based on their academic performance from the same classes. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The result of this study showed that the students responded positively to the implementation of Gagne's Nine Events of Instructions in project-based collaborative learning in the learning process. Gagne's framework has been successful in improving students' understanding, fostering, and becoming a platform for creativity development, and creating a pleasant learning atmosphere for teachers and students. They also agreed that Gagne's Nine Events of Instructions in project-based collaborative learning has an impact on building students' positive character personally and socially.</em></p> Desi Yulinda Audi Yundayani Juhana Juhana Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 64 82 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.17249 Exploring Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and Academic Performance among Orphanage Secondary School Students https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/17304 <p><em>This study investigated the self-regulated learning strategies employed by secondary school students living in Panti Asuhan Bahagia Sampit.&nbsp; It attempted to reveal some variables influencing their self-regulated learning strategies in relation to their academic achievement.&nbsp; Using a qualitative research methodology and a narrative approach, the study was laid upon a social cognitive theory. Drawing from 45 children as the population of the study, six participants were selected for the study using purposive sampling. Each participant was interviewed twice, with each lasting for about 30 minutes. The findings demonstrated that those exhibiting high levels of self-regulation outperform those exhibiting low levels of self-regulation or lacking self-regulated learning. Personal, behavioral, and environmental factors all had an impact on how students underwent self-regulated learning. The study is set to offer efficient interventions to help secondary school children from orphanages succeed academically by examining those areas.</em></p> Devy Yuniastuti Rahmadhani Markus Budiraharjo Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 83 94 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.17304 The Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability and Activeness in Reaction Rate Material https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/17368 <p style="font-weight: 400;">Studying chemistry is more than just gaining knowledge; it is also about exploring new ideas and finding new ways to understand what we already know. However, most students participate less when studying chemistry. They tend to memorize the concept and think less critically to understand and obtain solutions to a problem. Reaction rate is material closely related to practicum, which requires students to think more critically and participate actively in obtaining information. This research aims to determine the effect of inquiry-based learning on students’ critical thinking skills and activeness in reaction rate material. The type of this research is Quasi Experiment. The research design used was a Pretest-Posttest, Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The population of this research was class XI MIPA students. The sampling technique used was the cluster random sampling technique. Researchers used test instruments and observations as data collection techniques. The research results from the Mann-Whitney U test show that the significance value or Sig (2-tailed) is (0.001). If compared, the value will be smaller than alpha 0.05 (0.001 &lt; 0.05); this shows that the hypothesis is accepted, and it can be concluded that there is a difference in critical thinking between the experimental group and the control group. The results of descriptive statistical tests on the observation sheet show that the average activity of experimental group students is higher than that of the control group in each indicator. Thus, the inquiry-based learning model influences students' critical thinking skills and activeness in reaction rate material.</p> Ulfa Nur Latifah Jamil Suprihatiningrum Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 95 106 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.17368 Discovery Learning Learning Analysis to Develop High Level Cognitive Learning Outcomes Based on Student Metacognitive Characteristics https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/17514 <p>Study findings about students' learning needs became the basis for this research. To improve high-level cognitive learning outcomes based on students' metacognitive characteristics, this research will apply Discovery Learning. This research uses Solomon Four Groups Design, a type of quasi-experimental research methodology. The research population was 216 fourth grade students at Al Kautsar Elementary School. In keeping with the research objectives, a cluster random sampling approach was used to select the sample for this investigation, resulting in a total of 112 students. The data analysis method uses the Man Whitney test which is non-parametric. Research findings show that discovery learning is effectively implemented in elementary schools because it can foster student participation in learning activities, which in turn can improve cognitive learning outcomes at a high level based on students' metacognitive characteristics.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Putri Rahayu Dwi Yulianti Muhammad Mona Adha Ryzal Perdana Muhammad Nurwahidin Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 107 118 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.17514 Can an Ideal Library Guarantee High Elementary School Students' Interest in Reading? https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/17664 <p><em>Reading is a very important activity because it is used to disseminate information for learning. This is due to access to information and knowledge related to reading. This research aims to explore reading interest and the factors that influence reading interest in private elementary schools in Surakarta. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The informant selection technique in this research used several data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this research indicate that interest in reading in Surakarta private elementary schools is relatively low. Due to students' lack of reading ability, reading must be ordered by the teacher. Students often play during recess. The influencing factors are internal and external factors. Internal factors are factors that come from oneself, while external factors are from outside, such as the family environment, peers, gadgets, and libraries that are far from the classroom. In conclusion, the low interest in reading among Surakarta Private Elementary School students is influenced by several factors.</em></p> Anggi Martesya Muhammad Abduh Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 119 132 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.17664 Social Presence and Satisfaction in Online Learning between Indonesian and Malaysian Students https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/17715 <p>Online learning has become increasingly popular in the educational environment, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic. This research aims to describe the social presence and satisfaction of students in online learning, as well as examine the relationship between social presence and student satisfaction. A cross-sectional online study was conducted, involving 508 Indonesian and Malaysian postgraduate students from August 5 to October 2, 2023. Participants completed the social presence and student satisfaction scale developed by Gunawardena and Zittle. Data analysis techniques included descriptive statistics, the Man-Whitney test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman's Rank-Order Correlation using SPSS 26.00. The social presence and student satisfaction were categorized as good, as there were no items with scores below average. Univariate analysis indicated that the online learning experience and the quality of the network in the place of residence were determining factors for the differences between the variables, while other characteristics, including the country (Indonesia and Malaysia), showed no significant differences. Correlation analysis indicated a positive relationship between social presence and student satisfaction. This research has important implications for improving the quality of online learning. Universities should consider revising their curriculum to be more ICT-friendly, helping students become familiar with using the platform. Educational policies should also focus on training and developing educators to effectively implement online learning. Additionally, government support is crucial in realizing high-quality online learning.</p> Eka Putra Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 133 147 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.17715 The Students’ Perception of Technique Used by the Teacher in Teaching Speaking at Vocational High School https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/17766 <p><em>The research focused on students' perceptions of teaching techniques in English speaking skills at vocational high school in Kebumen. The method employed in this research is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The instrument used comprises 8 statement items crafted from the aspect of perception. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistical tests complemented by frequency distribution analysis. The sample for this research consisted of 86 students from grades XI at vocational school in Kebumen. The results showed varying perspectives among the students: Around 60.1% of students expressed positive views regarding the usefulness of diverse techniques employed in speaking practices, such as dialogues and role plays.&nbsp; Approximately 41.1% perceived teaching tools, including audio and visual aids, as supportive in comprehending speaking materials. Roughly 54.1% of students believed that the methods used, particularly those involving concrete examples and relevant exercises, facilitated their understanding of speaking materials. Concerning constructive feedback, 67.3% of students acknowledged its role in improving their speaking skills. Around 50.2% of the respondents supported the idea that the chosen teaching materials effectively assisted in their comprehension. A significant majority, approximately 89.9%, felt motivated to learn speaking due to the teacher's approach</em></p> Nosa Violeta Gardini Mauly Halwat Hikmat Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 148 161 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.17766 Utilization of Waste in Cultivating Creativity of P5-Based Class IV Students In Elementary School https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/17851 <p>This research was motivated by the low creativity of students in utilizing waste. Even though at school students have been provided with trash bins according to their type. This study aims to analyze the stages of P5 through the use of waste in fostering student creativity as well as the supporters and obstacles in fostering student creativity at SD Muhammadiyah PK Kottabarat. The research method used used a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model. Data validity uses triangulation of techniques and sources. The results of this study indicate that (1) There are four stages in the implementation of the project including: a) Introduction, the activity is to find information on the utilization of used goods around and clean Friday at my school; b) Contextualization, the activities are outing projects and formative assessments; c) Action, the activities are the "Towards SD PK Zero Waste" movement campaign and making works from used goods; and d) Reflection, the activity is to carry out product exhibitions (2) Supporting and inhibiting factors in fostering student creativity through the utilization of waste, supporting factors can come from the school. while the inhibiting factors are requiring a long time and lack of consistency in completing an activity.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> project to strengthen the profile of pancasila students, waste utilization, creativity</p> Viona Nova Romandhoni Achmad Fathoni Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 162 173 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.17851 The The Influence of School Well-Being on Learning Achievement of Full Day School of Elementary Students https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/17999 <p><em>The objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between school well-being and academic performance among full-day students enrolled at MI Muhammadiyah PK Wirogunan Kartasura. This is a descriptive-quantitative study employing an explanatory methodology. The study sample comprised 127 upper-class students enrolled at MI Muhammadiyah PK Wirogunan Kartasura during the academic year 2022–2023. The research employed a total sampling technique to select the sample, resulting in 127 samples utilised for the study. This research makes use of documentation, questionnaires, and observation as data collection methods. Simultaneously, a questionnaire comprising 25 items was employed as the data collection instrument in this study. This study employs a variety of data analysis techniques, including tests of research instruments' validity and reliability, tests of classical assumptions, and hypothesis testing via simple linear regression analysis. The findings of this research indicated that student learning achievement at MI Muhammadiyah PK Wirogunan Kartasura was significantly impacted by school well-being. The t-count value (3.7788) exceeded the critical t-value (1.657) from the t-table, and the p-value (0.000) was less than 0.05. Furthermore, according to the findings of the study, the indicator of belonging in school well-being has the highest mean value.</em></p> Anissa Nur Lebdaningrum Almuntaqo Zainuddin Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 174 183 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.17999 Teachers’ Perceptions of Literacy Implementation in Elementary Schools https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/18153 <p><em>The purpose of this research is to find out how teachers perceive the implementation of literacy at the Gugus 1 Elementary School, North Padang District, Padang City. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. Data collection techniques through distribution of surveys implementing literacy questionnaires. The dimensions of implementing literacy described in this research consist of positive statements and negative statements. The results of the research show that teachers have a fairly positive perception tendency, this can be seen from the percentage of scores obtained from distributing the questionnaire and the explanation from the table. A very positive perception shows that teachers also participate in literacy activities at school. These results come from an analysis of the factors that cause teacher perceptions, namely functional factors and structural factors. Apart from that, it can be said that the teacher has been successful in implementing reading literacy.</em></p> Intan Aulia Rahmi Arfa Novia Santi Syahrul Ramadhan Elfia Sukma Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 184 194 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.18153 The Effect of Attractiveness of Creative Product and Entrepreneurship Subjects through Creativity on Entrepreneurial Interest https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/18274 <p><em>Entrepreneurial activities today are accessible to every class of society, many students have done entrepreneurship, especially at the vocational high school level. Students interest in entrepreneurship activities can be influenced by internal factors and external factors. The initial hypothesis of the study found that there were external factors originating from teaching and learning activities, which focused on the interaction of teachers and students. This study aims to determine how much influence this learning has on the creative power and entrepreneurial interest of public and private vocational school students in Bekasi city. The population in this study included all Vocational High School's students in Bekasi City using a purposive random sampling method, using a closed questionnaire technique with alternative answers using a Likert scale with a sample of 200 students from class XI and XII at public and private Vocational High Schools in Bekasi City who participated in the activity of learning to teach on creative product subjects and entrepreneurship. Data collection was carried out for 1 month at the beginning of the school year. The research was analyzed using path analysis, emphasizing the causal relationship between variables, namely creative and entrepreneurial product subjects on students' creativity and business interests. The results showed that the attractiveness of creative product subjects had a direct influence on student creativity by 20.3%, and a direct effect on student entrepreneurial interest by 30.5%.</em></p> Hestri Candra Suci Sri Hermawati Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 195 206 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.18274 An English Teachers’ Perspectives on Differentiated Instruction in ‘Kurikulum Merdeka’: A Case Study in SMA Kabupaten Solok https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/18276 <p><em>This research aimed to find out the perspectives that SMA English teachers in Kabupaten Solok have on Differentiated Instruction, the implementation, and the challenges. This research was a qualitative case study. Data collection was based on questionnaires, in-depth interviews, document analysis, and participant observation. Informants who became data sources in this study were selected based on purposive sampling, namely teachers who teach in grade X (Fase E), have more than 10 years of English teaching experience, and were willing to become informants. The data obtained was that informants showed their understanding of Differentiated Instruction from the process of self-learning through PMM and peer discussions. However, in terms of planning on the teaching modules prepared, not all informants have clear planning on Differentiated Instruction. Similarly, it was found during classroom observations that not all informants implemented Differentiated Instruction by the required aspects and considerations. It could be concluded that the informants have explained their understanding of Differentiated Instruction theoretically. However, this was not the case when it came to planning the teaching module and implementing it in the classroom. Some informants showed confusion and incomprehension in the implementation of Differentiated Instruction in the lesson planning and the classroom</em></p> Destri Mairoza Welya Roza Udi Samanhudi Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 207 221 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.18276 Effective Study Hours for Students in the Distribution of Subjects at Vocational High School https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/18435 <p>The improvement of the learning quality in schools is closely tied to effective time management. Appropriate scheduling of study hours can play a crucial role in achieving optimal learning outcomes for students. This research aims to analyze and understand how effective study hours can influence the distribution of subjects in schools to enhance students' learning outcomes. The study adopts a qualitative approach with a descriptive research design. The research location is conducted at SMKN 6 Surakarta, utilizing data collection techniques including interviews with students and teachers, documentation related to class schedules, and data triangulation techniques to ensure information validity. Data analysis involves interview transcription, categorization, and the identification of emerging patterns. The findings indicate that the effectiveness of study hours significantly impacts the distribution of subjects. Students experiencing effective study hours tend to have a better grasp of the subjects, while suboptimal study hour distributions can hinder achieving the expected learning outcomes. These findings underscore the importance of thorough planning regarding study hour arrangements to enhance learning effectiveness.</p> Suranto Suranto Endang Pramitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 222 234 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.18435 Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile in Pancasila Education Subjects to Improve Democratic Character https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/18570 <p><em>The Pancasila learner profile is an implementation of the Merdeka curriculum which includes the character building of students. Character education is closely related to the Pancasila learner profile in the Merdeka curriculum in a formal education environment which aims to shape character in accordance with the values of Pancasila. Pancasila education is one of the subjects integrated with the Pancasila learner profile. Meanwhile, the character of democracy in research can develop through the Pancasila learner profile applied in the classroom. So, the purpose of this study is to describe the form of implementation of the Pancasila learner profile in Pancasila education subjects to improve the democratic character of 4th grade elementary school students and to determine the impact of the implementation of the Pancasila learner profile on democratic character. This research is a qualitative research. This research data comes from observation results, interview results, and results, documentation. Data analysis used in the form of data reduction, data display, and conclusing drawing. The results showed that the implementation of the Pancasila learner profile at SDN Barengkrajan 2 in the Pancasila Education subject found no obstacles, it's just that teachers still need adjustments in its implementation. The Pancasila learner profile has a good impact on the development of students' democratic character because the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum emphasizes students so that students can be free in shaping democratic character in learning activities.</em></p> Azka Azizah Octavia Feri Tirtoni Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 235 244 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.18570 Overview of the Student Learning Environment of the Universitas Padjadjaran Nursing Profession Study Program https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/18679 <p><span class="TextRun SCXW15174262 BCX0" lang="EN" xml:lang="EN" data-contrast="none"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW15174262 BCX0">The learning environment is an important component in determining the quality and success of the nursing education curriculum. A learning environment that is not supportive can result in decreased student learning performance, including decreased interest and motivation, anxiety and stress, and reduced self-confidence. Evaluation of the learning environment helps improve the quality of the learning environment which consists of the learning process, teaching staff, academic achievement, learning atmosphere, and social environment. This research aims to identify a description of the learning environment for students in the Padjadjaran University nursing professional study program. This research design will use a quantitative descriptive research design. The sampling technique that will be used is proportionate stratified random sampling with 142 nursing professional students as samples. The instrument used is the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) with 50 statement items. The data analysis that will be carried out is univariate analysis. The results of research on the learning environment dimension show an average score of 148.96/200 in the good category. The average is obtained for each sub-variable; learning process (35.44/48), teaching staff (33.74/44), academic achievement (25.44/32), learning atmosphere (34.49/48), and social environment (19.82/28). Academic achievement with the highest score and social environment with the lowest score. The assessment of the learning environment for nursing professional students shows the Good category, which means that the learning environment for the nursing profession is running well, although there are things that need to be improved and corrected to improve the quality of learning.</span></span><span class="EOP SCXW15174262 BCX0" data-ccp-props="{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335551550&quot;:6,&quot;335551620&quot;:6,&quot;335559739&quot;:200,&quot;335559740&quot;:240}">&nbsp;</span></p> Erina Nur Aini Hana Rizmadewi Agustina Ryan Hara Permana Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 245 258 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.18679 Utilization of Chat GPT Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Student’s Learning Experience Gen-Z Class https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/18840 <p>Technology presents data very quickly, if students do not get enough assistance from lecturers in analytical thinking, the students will present data without studying further or it will convince them that what is presented is justifiable. Lecturers need to understand &nbsp;the students' learning habit nowadays. The focus in this study is the usage of Chat GPT AI in Student Learning Experience in Gen-Z classroom. This study provides in-depth attention to educators, especially lecturers, so that they can adapt to Gen Z's learning experience tendencies and the latest developments in learning media to create the material. The method used in this study is descriptive quantitative with questionnaires distributed to students. The respondent in this study is 392 Gen Z students chosen with purposive random sampling. The use of Chat GPT AI is familiar to Gen-Z students. Therefore, they should double-check the results of Chat GPT so as not to make misinformation and they provide a complete understanding. Lecturers as facilitators in the classroom must be more careful in reviewing the assignments collected by students, so that lecturers can measure precisely that the assignments are the same as the level of student understanding. In addition, the lecturers should notice that the information presented is correct.</p> Sony Zulfikasari Basuki Sulistio Woro Aprilianasari Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 259 272 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.18840 Ethnopedagogy-Based Literacy E-Modules in Pancasila Education Subject https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/18917 <p><em>This article examines the level of validity and effectiveness in the use of literacy e-module teaching materials with ethnopedagogy as a learning approach in Pancasila Education subjects. The research method chosen is Research &amp; Development with the ADDIE development model. The subjects in this study were material and learning media experts and e-module product trials on students. E-module teaching materials were used as the object of research. Data collection used interview sheets, teacher and learner needs analysis sheets, pre-test and post-test questionnaires, and respondent questionnaires. The data analysis used descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative methods. The results of this study state that in the product validation test by experts obtained a result of 1 using the Gregory test calculation and included in the category with Very High Validity. For the Learner trial, it obtained a score of 87.68% with very good criteria. Based on the results of the results of working on the pre-test and post-test questions of students with the N-Gain Score test, a value of 75.43% was obtained, with the N-Gain effectiveness category being "quite effective". Then, for the acquisition of the N-Gain Score value of 0.56 with the criteria for increasing the learning outcomes of "Moderate" Learners. Overall, the validation results can prove that ethnopedagogy-based literacy e-module teaching materials in Pancasila Education subjects for grade IV at SD Negeri Keret are very feasible to be applied in learning.</em></p> Nila Sekardhani Hadian Feri Tirtoni Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 273 286 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.18917 Effectiveness of Electronic Teaching Materials Using the Value Clarification Technique Approach in Elementary Schools https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/18931 <p>The Indonesian government has taken professional competence, the ability to think creatively and learn new things, and fluency with modern forms of communication, information, and technology as its guiding principles. The Indonesian government has made information and technology proficiency a cornerstone of modern education. With the help of technical advancements in learning media, the area of education benefits from the use of technology that may facilitate the learning process. In primary schools, this research will use the Value Clarification Technique approach matrix model to find out how effective electronic teaching resources are for Pancasila Elements. The final output is a set of electronic teaching materials that have undergone rigorous validity testing by three different sets of specialists: material scientists, linguists, and media specialists. This study used a one-group Pretest-Posttest design, which is common in pre-experimental research. Thirteen women and twelve men made up the total of twenty-five participants in this research, which included both instructors and pupils. A test is the tool that this study use. Wilcoxon test and N-Gain value calculation are the data analysis techniques used.&nbsp; According to the study's findings, students in fourth grade at an elementary school that used electronic teaching materials based on the Value Clarification Technique approach matrix model learned more about Pancasila components.</p> Mila Maryani Reinita Reinita Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-03 2024-02-03 15 1 287 297 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.18931 Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through Play-Based Learning https://pustaka-psm.unilak.ac.id/index.php/lectura/article/view/17975 <p>Based on the syllabus on 4.8, 10-year students at <em>Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan</em> (SMK) Maniamas Ngabang must be able to present short and simple narrative texts related to folk legends. This research aims to improve students’ speaking skills through play-based learning. This research was a classroom action research. The procedures of this research covered planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subjects of this research were 28 students of class X of SMK Maniamas Ngabang. The data were collected by observation checklist, field notes, speaking test, questionnaire, and interview sheet. The data obtained from the process of data collection were analyzed by reflecting on the facts or information gathered to assess the improvement of students' speaking. After collecting the data, the next step was analyzed the data. The data classified based on the research. In this study, the analysis used qualitative and quantitative analysis. This research showed play-based learning was able to improve students’ speaking skills. The students were more engaged in learning when the lesson presented involved games, and they also put more concerned about their assignments, attendance, and activities during the learning process. They stated that it became easier to understand the lesson because they can directly practice it the game application in the learning process. Last, the questionnaire result showed the students strongly agreed that play-based learning was a good method for learning to speak, with a mean value 4.54. In conclusion, the use of play-based learning can improve students’ speaking skill.</p> Aan Andreas Regina Regina Dwi Riyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 15 1 298 314 10.31849/lectura.v15i1.17975