Jurnal Ilmu Budaya 2024-05-30T07:03:18+00:00 Vita Amelia [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Ilmu Budaya (ISSN 1829-8338; E-ISSN: 2540-7651) is an international journal published by the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Lancang Kuning and published twice a year. It specializes in humanities, philology, literature, cultural studies, and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines.</p> <p>Jurnal Ilmu Budaya has been indexed in Google Scholar.</p> LAGEYAN BAWOR DALAM CERITA “BAWOR DADI RATU” SEBAGAI PENDEKATAN PENDAMPINGAN BERBASIS BUDAYA DI ERA GLOBAL 2024-05-30T06:59:03+00:00 Amos Renoardi [email protected] Jacob Daan Engel [email protected] Suwarto Suwarto [email protected] <p><em>This research aims to produce effective culture-based mentoring principles to preserve the value of local wisdom and ethical education in the Banyumasan Javanese community. This research was motivated by the fact that cultural values have been displaced in the modern era while recognizing the importance of exploring the local wisdom of Pakeliran Banyumasan as a value that needs to be explored and preserved. This research uses a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. Observation, interviews, and documentation were used to collect data in this study, so that the principles of culture-based mentoring based on Bawor's lageyan in the story "Bawor Dadi Ratu" were obtained. The results showed that Bawor's lageyan includes cablaka, mbanyol, semblothongan, ksatria, and cancudan. The five lageyan contain noble values as special capital for the Banyumasan Javanese community to navigate life in the global era. Lageyan ksatria and cancudan are important parts of facing the dualism of modern times that separates humans from nature, so that individuals in society can maintain the value of mutual cooperation. Lageyan cablaka, mbanyol, and semblothongan have become an important part of dealing with the dualism of relationships due to technological developments. Lageyan Bawor emphasizes the principle of legitimacy or partnership that allows the values of mutual feelings, mutual acceptance, unity, harmony, brotherhood, and friendship to be maintained. Lageyan Bawor contains the principle of cultural mentoring as an effort to preserve values and ethical education in the context of relational mentoring.</em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) DISFEMISME BAHASA KLUET DALAM TUTURAN MASYARAKAT DI KABUPATEN ACEH SELATAN 2024-05-30T07:00:00+00:00 Fera Mairoja [email protected] Denni Iskandar [email protected] Muhammad Iqbal [email protected] Mohd. Fauzi [email protected] <p><em>This research intends to (1) explain the form of Kluet language dysphemism, (2) analyze the context of the use of Kluet language dysphemism, and (3) explain the function of Kluet language dysphemism in the speech of the people of South Aceh Regency. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. The researchers took four informants from each sub-district who were used as data sources, namely North Kluet, South Kluet, East Kluet, and Central Kluet Districts. The findings of this research indicate that the form of Kluet language dysphemism contains three forms; the form of words, phrases, and clauses, then context of the use of Kluet language dysphemism consists of the context of habit, anger, talkative/surprised, and prohibiting. Furthermore, the function of using Kluet's dysphemism contains five functions, namely functions to insult, threaten, hurt/annoy, as a joke, and express strong, heavy, and extreme emotions. Conversely, as regards the findings of research and data analysis, the primary forms of dysphemism are phrases and the main context of dysphemism is anger and habit.</em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) KAJIAN MAKNA PADA LAGU KURIK KUNDI KARYA SUHAIMI ZAIN 2024-05-30T07:01:45+00:00 Lidia Masniati [email protected] Mohd. Fauzi [email protected] Jefrizal Jefrizal [email protected] Muhammad Kafrawi [email protected] Evizariza Evizariza [email protected] <p><em>This research aims to describe the meaning of the song Kurik Kundi by Suhaimi</em><em> Zein. The analysis focuses on the</em><em> connotative meaning </em><em>and</em> <em>social values</em> <em>in the song</em><em>.</em> <em>This research uses a qualitative approach. The data discussed are words, phrases, and clauses sourced from</em> <em>the Kurik Kundi </em><em>song.</em><em> The method used to collect data is observation and the data analysis method is the inductive method. </em><em>The results of the research show the connotation meaning found in the songs. There are words and phrases indicating the relationship between words and phrases with social life and Malay culture. </em><em>The social values ​​contained in the song</em><em> of</em><em> Kurik Kundi </em><em>indicate</em><em> the polite attitude of Malays towards fellow Malays and other people. Good manners in expressing the daily attitudes of Malay people. The enthusiasm in carrying out activities, and cooperation carried out by Malay people to achieve common goals in society.</em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) INDO BLACK MAGIC: DAYA PIKAT PEREMPUAN INDONESIA DALAM LAGU JEBUNG & BASBOI 2024-05-30T07:02:37+00:00 Angela Tanjung Saragupita [email protected] <p><em>Jebung or Jessice Bunga is a newcomer singer whose songs are always unique. One of the songs entitled 'Indo Black Magic' has a theme related to pellets/witchcraft which is still believed by some Indonesian people. This research aims to find out how the image of Indonesian women is depicted in the Jebung song which is related to local myths in Indonesian society. This type of research is qualitative research where this research uses the concept of descriptive content analysis. The research data is in the form of lyrics to the song 'Indo Black Magic' sung by Jebung and Basboi, lyrics transmitted directly from ACUAN Entertainment's YouTube channel without changing the vocabulary and spelling. The data collection technique uses listening and note-taking techniques, then the data is analyzed based on Sara Mills' feminist studies and Roland Barthes' semiotic studies. The results of the research show that there are depictions of Indonesian women who are described based on their ethnicity, including Minang, Batak, Balinese, Dayak and Sundanese. In each lyric, Jebung also inserts a message for women to be confident and proud of the natural beauty they have. Indonesian women don't need to use pellets/witchcraft to attract men, because their charm already radiates and is able to hypnotize anyone who looks at them. Basboi as a rapper also shows his appreciation for Indonesian women who he likens to the natural beauty of Sumba. He values ​​Indonesian women like treasures that must be protected.</em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) KONSTRUKSI SOSIAL OBAT HERBAL PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 2024-05-30T07:03:18+00:00 Mita Rosaliza [email protected] Tengku Abyan Hanif [email protected] Mahar Al Malik [email protected] Tengku Syarifah Dzikra Hanania [email protected] <p><em>When COVID-19 hit the world, people had reconstructed their assumptions about the importance of health</em><em>. T</em><em>o reduce morbidity and mortality, they needed various alternative actions through various kinds of drug use, both medical drugs and traditional medicines</em><em>, </em><em>both during and after the pandemic. Nigella Sativa herbal medicine is one of the traditional medicine options. Nigella Sativa</em><em> referred to black cumin</em><em>, </em><em>is among the plants that the Prophet used to make herbal medication.</em><em> Prophetic Hadiths show the benefits and uses of black cumin. In Indonesia, we can find the use of Habbatussauda, which can be processed and packaged in various products. </em><em>This study employs a qualitative technique in field research</em><em> and a social construction approach. </em><em>To learn more about the advantages of habbatussauda herbs for boosting the body's immunity</em><em>, it is important to discuss this issue with social construction. People consider this herbal plant important because of its potentially active anti-inflammatory properties that can fight viral and bacterial infections </em><em>both during the COVID-19 epidemic and afterwards.</em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)