Unveiling the Landscape of ClassDojo in Education: A Systematic Review

Keywords: ClassDojo, Educational tool, Game-based platform, LMS, Systematic review


In the backdrop of the evolving game-based educational platforms from online resources, language researchers have directed their attention toward the utilisation of ClassDojo due to its multifunctionality, which includes many features such as attendance tracking, messaging, portfolio management, games, and more. This qualitative systematic review examined the existing research on using ClassDojo in the classroom. The purposes were to provide evidence of ClassDojo for teachers, students, or parents and to identify the study characteristics, such as the publication trends, participant profiles, or the methodological approaches from the published research about ClassDojo. The initial database search used Publish and Perish (PoP) version 8 and identified as many as 174 published research. However, twenty-three journal articles were selected after conducting the screening process by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results from the analysis of 23 articles found that articles released in 2021 (n = 6) were the most frequently used in this systematic review study. Then, for the education level of participants, the elementary education settings received the most attention (n = 6). Additionally, experimental design (n = 7) was the methodology most frequently employed by the study under investigation. Furthermore, the reviewed studies also show that ClassDojo is mainly used as a teaching and learning media (n = 8). Thus, the productive use of ClassDojo was recommended because it can effectively manage student behavior, promote positive classroom management, and enhance parent engagement. Therefore, ClassDojo can potentially enhance online interaction in the class and provide a community to share classroom activities privately or publicly among teachers, students, and parents.


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Author Biographies

Delitya Islamy Putrie, Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia

Delitya Islamy Putrie was born in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. From 2000 to 2017, Delitya moved from Pontianak to Ketapang and attended TK Kemala Bhayangkari and SDN 07 Ketapang for her initial education, SMPN 1 Ketapang (2011-2013), and SMAN 1 Ketapang (2014 - 2016). Delitya became interested in English when she was in elementary school and also because her mother is an English course teacher. For that very reason, Delitya decided to enroll in English Language Education Study Program at Universtas Tanjungpura (2017) since her love for the language had grown and she wanted to become a good educator in the future.

Urai Salam, English Education Study Program, Universitas Tanjungpura

Urai Salam received his Masters in Computer-Assisted Language Learning from The University of Melbourne. Since then he started teaching career at Universitas Tanjungpura (Tanjungpura University) Indonesia. He received his Ph.D in virtual education from Monash University, Australia. His research interests are in the areas of technology enhanced learning language, particularly teaching and learning English as a foreign language. He is now the Vice Dean in Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Tanjungpura Indonesia. His most recent article is co-written with Martono: Teachers’ challenges and strategies in using digital media in teaching English (JELTIM, 2023).

Dwi Riyanti, English Education Study Program, Universitas Tanjungpura

Dwi Riyanti graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2017 with her doctoral degree, majoring in educational studies. She is currently teaching in the English study program for undergraduate and graduate levels at Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Tanjungpura, West Kalimantan. Her research interests are in the areas of English teacher education, English language teaching and learning, language learning strategies, and English language teacher identity.


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How to Cite
Putrie, D. I., Salam, U., & Riyanti, D. (2024). Unveiling the Landscape of ClassDojo in Education: A Systematic Review. Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies, 6(2), 185-208. https://doi.org/10.31849/elsya.v6i2.18422
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