BIDIK: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2024-05-27T08:13:01+00:00 Eko Noprianto [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Bidik: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong> adalah sebuah <em>open access Journal</em> yang mempublikasikan artikel yang berkaitan dengan konsep, strategi, refleksi, dan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. <strong>Bidik</strong><strong>: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong> diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Lancang Kuning, sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun yakni pada bulan <strong>April</strong> dan <strong>Oktober</strong>. Tulisan yang dimuat pada&nbsp;jurnal ini&nbsp;adalah hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM), yang mencakup bidang ilmu humaniora (bahasa, sastra, seni), ilmu perpustakaan, informasi, dokumentasi, dan ilmu sosial lainnya. Jurnal ini terbuka bagi para akademisi dan praktisi sebagai media publikasi hasil PkM,&nbsp; agar memberikan manfaat yang lebih luas kepada masyarakat.</p> Pengembangan Pembelajaran Kelas Melalui Metode Inquiry Discovery dan Pendekatan Motivasi Pendidik Bidang Ilmu Geologi 2024-04-29T04:48:52+00:00 Budi Prayitno [email protected] Husnul Kasarian [email protected] Heriyanto [email protected] <p><em>The inquiry discovery method was tested on 18 students/I level XII IPA consisting of 11 boys and 7 girls through 2 face-to-face trials. From the results of the evaluation experiment, there is a range of values between 55 – 60 which is 44.44% while the range of values 60.01 – 70.00 is 55.55% (before implementation). Furthermore, the percentage of learning achievement from the 70-80 score range is 72.22% and the 80-90.00 range is 27.77% (after implementation). While the results of the evaluation analysis using the Liliofers Test were found to be not normally distributed, while the analysis using the Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test found that there were significant differences in the results of the evaluation before and after treatment. From the results of these tests, it can be concluded that repetition of the inquiry discovery method can increase scientific thinking independently so that achievement and completeness during the educational process can be directed according to the learning implementation plan for SMA CENDANA PEKANBARU.</em></p> 2024-04-28T05:45:57+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Budi Prayitno, Husnul Kasarian, Heriyanto Implementasi Kurikulum Pemrograman Komputer di Sekolah M.I. Jami’atul Khair Ciledug Tangerang 2024-04-29T04:49:02+00:00 Desta Sandya Prasvita [email protected] Mayanda Mega Santoni [email protected] Anita Muliawati [email protected] <p><em>Community service activities are carried out at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (M.I.) Jamiatul Khair is one of the private elementary schools in the Ciledug District, Tangerang City. This activity has been going on for three years. In 2020, teachers were given material related to using Google Classroom to support distance learning (PJJ) activities at the start of the pandemic. In 2021, community service activities will be carried out with the theme of making learning videos. Apart from that, in the same year, teachers also received learning related to using office applications. Through evaluation of previous activities, we assess that teachers have acquired the ability to use advanced computers to support the learning process. Therefore, in 2022, community service activities will be carried out to implement the school programming curriculum. Teachers teach computational thinking with the intention of integrating these concepts into student learning. Computational logic thinking, involving concepts such as sequential logic, branching, and looping, is applied interestingly so that it is easy to implement for M.I. students. Jamiatul Khair. During this activity, the teachers showed high enthusiasm for the training process. Activities were carried out smoothly without experiencing significant obstacles. The evaluation results also reflect positive feedback and a high level of satisfaction regarding the material presented and the assessment of the resource persons.</em></p> 2024-04-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Desta Sandya Prasvita, Mayanda Mega Santoni, Anita Muliawati Pendampingan dan Pemenuhan Lampu Panel Surya Sebagai Penerangan Area Taman dalam Konsep Lingkungan Berkelanjutan Bagi Warga 2024-04-29T04:48:47+00:00 Heristama Anugerah Putra [email protected] Ryan Putranda Kristianto [email protected] David Andrian [email protected] Yohana Christela Oktaviani [email protected] Andreas Andika Putra Subhagia [email protected] <p><em>Large and excessive use of electricity, especially for lighting, is also a problem in itself, namely the large expenditure on electricity bills. For this reason, the public is encouraged to use energy-saving lighting such as LED lights or the use of solar panels. Residents want sufficient lighting in public facility areas. Community service activities are carried out at the Babatan Pilang RT Housing Complex. 002 RW. 005, where residents expect assistance from the team to provide education on effective ways to overcome large electricity costs in order to save energy. Apart from that, it will also be realized in the physical form of installing garden lights based on the use of solar panels to remain energy efficient. So that from the results of counseling and fulfillment of garden lights, residents can understand and understand how to save money by getting to know the types of energy-saving lights such as solar panel lights. In terms of park functions, solar panel lights can be shared by residents even if they are used at night.</em></p> 2024-04-28T06:20:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Heristama Anugerah Putra, Ryan Putranda Kristianto, David Andrian, Yohana Christela Oktaviani, Andreas Andika Putra Subhagia Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan Berbasis Budaya Lokal Pada UMKM Annisa Jepara Furniture 2024-05-13T07:42:37+00:00 Darmawati [email protected] Aini Indrijawati [email protected] Sundari [email protected] Andi Kusumawati [email protected] Juanda Juanda [email protected] <p><em>Community service UMKM Annisa Jepara Furniture can maximize entrepreneur income with proper financial management. The purpose of this Community service is to make a solid partner in financial management; record transactions and preparation of financial reports; and calculate the cost of production. The methods used in implementing Community service are lectures, discussions, workshops, and tutorials in preparing financial reports. This activity was carried out in three stages, namely: observation, implementation, and evaluation. The results achieved were the participants were skilled in financial management; recording of transactions and preparation of financial reports; and making the calculation of the cost of production of furniture. Outputs are publications in online media Barru Pos and YouTube videos.</em></p> 2024-04-28T06:31:26+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Juanda Juanda, Darmawati, Aini Indrijawati, Sundari, Andi Kusumawati Penguatan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Setelah Masa Post Covid Pada Guru Ekonomi MGMP Provinsi Jawa Tengah 2024-04-29T04:48:56+00:00 Kemal Budi Mulyono [email protected] M. Fathur Rahman [email protected] <p><em>This article aims to support the government's policy regarding the implementation of the Freedom Curriculum, which is provided to the Council of Economics Subject Teachers in Central Java Province as an additional option for the recovery of learning during 2022-2024. In this service, workshops and training related to the implementation of the Freedom Curriculum are conducted, with a focus on utilizing technology and community-based strategies and platforms. These are being developed for the implementation of the Freedom Curriculum. The outcome of this dedication is that each teacher can comprehend the concept of the Freedom Curriculum implementation well. Therefore, it is expected that all stakeholders involved in this implementation can optimize its utilization as an effort for post-pandemic learning recovery.</em></p> 2024-04-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kemal Budi Mulyono, M. Fathur Rahman Pelatihan Penulisan Naskah dan Pementasan Drama Berbahasa Arab: Legenda Bujang Kurap 2024-04-29T04:48:31+00:00 Muhammad walidin [email protected] Bety Bety [email protected] Susi Herti Afriani [email protected] Dolla Sobari [email protected] Dolla Sobari [email protected] Merry Choironi [email protected] <p><em>This Community Service Activity is intended to enhance motivation and to improve the four fundamental skills in learning Arabic Language for students of Ushuludin Islamic Boarding School in Kalianda Southern Lampung. In order to achieve this goal, the activity uses the drama method with a lecturing approach, mentoring, rehearsal, and culminates in a performance. The result of this activity is that the selected students who become actors are highly motivated in the learning process (writing, reading, speaking, and listening). The composition of the text of the legend 'Bujang Kurap' is also easier to perform as it is associated with the cultural context of the legend.</em></p> 2024-04-28T06:50:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad walidin, Bety Bety, Susi Herti Afriani, Dolla Sobari, Dolla Sobari, Merry Choironi Komunikasi Bahasa dan Pelayanan Publik Dalam Mengembangkan Pariwisata di Gresik 2024-05-27T08:13:01+00:00 Elli Setiyo Wahyuni [email protected] M. Husni Tamrin [email protected] Deasy Arieffiani [email protected] Dewi Casmiwati [email protected] <p>Mewujudkan masyarakat pesisir dengan pengetahuan yang berkualitas merupakan tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Beberapa pekerja di Kebun Pak Inggih menerima pendampingan untuk berlatih mengenai komunikasi bahasa dan perhotelan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan, pelatihan komunikasi bahasa memperbaiki cara pekerja berkomunikasi dengan pengunjung, mengubah cara berbicara menjadi teknik yang efektif dan tepat untuk menyambut dan membimbing pengunjung. Pelatihan perhotelan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan yang telah diterapkan yang selama ini dilakukan tanpa memperhatikan prosedur perhotelan. Hal ini dikembangkan untuk mewujudkan pekerja yang handal dalam melayani pengunjung di Kebun Pak Inggih. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran bahasa dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dalam hal penyambutan tamu, cara berkomunikasi dalam pelayanan penyajian makanan dan minuman, serta pelatihan pengetahuan perhotelan untuk membekali masyarakat agar lebih terampil dan berpengetahuan.</p> 2024-04-28T07:34:09+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elli Setiyo Wahyuni Peningkatan Kemampuan Menjadi Mc Pada Acara Resepsi Pernikahan Melayu Riau Pada Siswa SMA Negeri 7 Kecamatan Senapelan Kota Pekanbaru 2024-04-29T04:48:22+00:00 Amanan [email protected] Hermansyah [email protected] Juswandi [email protected] <p><em>The Master of Ceremony (MC) is a professional event host responsible for guiding and entertaining various events. The MC plays a crucial role in ensuring that events, ranging from formal activities to weddings, run smoothly according to the predetermined schedule provided by event organizers and protocol officers. In addition to this, the MC is tasked with thoroughly understanding the event, as directed by the event organizer. This community service program is organized for the students of SMA Negeri 7 in Senapelan District. Recognizing the significance of fostering and developing Malay culture and the Malay (BMR) region, the Riau Provincial Government has initiated programs in line with the reform era. The primary objective of this program is to enhance the students' abilities to become proficient and professional MCs. The event will focus on interpreting, training, and practicing the art of being an effective MC, particularly for Riau Malay Wedding Receptions.The program aims to contribute to the improvement of MC skills, providing valuable assistance to the students of SMA Negeri 7 in Senapelan District, Pekanbaru. The visiting team from the Faculty of Cultural Studies at Universitas Lancang Kuning is expected to aid the school and its students in understanding Riau Malay culture, with a specific focus on improving MC capabilities for Riau Malay Wedding Receptions. In today's era, those who possess a strong understanding of this field are taking significant strides, and the demand for professionals in this domain is on the rise.</em></p> 2024-04-28T07:53:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amanan, Hermansyah, Juswandi Peningkatan Kemanpuan Listening Mahasiswa Sastra Daerah, Indonesia, Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Melalui Audio Lingual Method 2024-04-29T04:48:17+00:00 Edward [email protected] Sorta Hutahaean [email protected] Mohd Fauzi [email protected] <p><em>This article is entitiled, “The Improvement of Listening Ability of Local, Indonesian, English and Librarianship Study Program Students of Humanities Faculty, Lancang Kuning University. The research was aimed at improving the ability of the students in listening audio discourse. Teaching pronunciation or sound seems to be very fundamental and requires exposure much. Using audio lingual can help improve students’ ability. The result showed that all students succeeded in comprehending the test provided. </em></p> 2024-04-28T08:07:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Edward, Sorta Hutahaean, Mohd Fauzi Menumbuhkan Semangat Sportivitas dan Kreativitas melalui Festival Lomba Anak 2024-04-29T04:48:12+00:00 Widya Rizky Pratiwi [email protected] Herdie Idriawien Gusti [email protected] Lukytta Gusti Acfira [email protected] <p>KKN membuka peluang untuk membangun kemitraan dan sinergi antara perguruan tinggi dan masyarakat dalam mewujudkan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Salah satu bentuk kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) KKN yang dilakukan adalah festival lomba anak-anak Edukatif, keagamaan, dan entertainment berupa lomba ceramah, adzan, lari kelereng, dan joget balon. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengembangkan kreativitas dan potensi anak, meningkatkan rasa percaya diri, menumbuhkan semangat sportivitas, melestarikan budaya, dan meningkatkan kedekatan antar anak dan masyarakat. Pelaksana kegiatan PkM ini adalah mahasiswa Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Universitas Muhammadiyah Bulukumba (UMB) Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam rangka memenuhi program kerja oleh kelompok 11 KKN Angkatan II UMB. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21 Januari 2024. Metode pelaksanaan festival ini terbagi menjadi tiga tahap yaitu pembekalan, pelatihan, dan Pratik. Sebanyak 27 siswa dari kelas 4 – 6 SD Negeri 32 Bungloe memeriahkan Festival Lomba Anak yang diselenggarakan di Kantor Desa Bonto Tallasa, Kabupaten Bantaeng, Sulawesi Selatan. Di antara 27 siswa tersebut, 5 siswa mengikuti lomba ceramah, 6 siswa mengikuti lomba adzan, 8 siswa mengikuti lomba lari kelereng, dan 8 siswa mengikuti lomba joget balon. Kegiatan festival lomba anak-anak ini dilaksankan secara lancar, penuh keantusiasan dan keseruan dari anak-anak. Kegiatan festival lomba anak-anak ini memperoleh hasil yang memuaskan terbukti dari keantusiasan dan keseruan dari anak-anak.</p> 2024-04-28T08:18:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Widya Rizky Pratiwi Pendampingan Pembuatan Ecoprint Pada Tas Totebag untuk Warga di Desa Ngemplak Purworejo 2024-04-29T04:48:06+00:00 Hamid Muhammad Jumasa Jumasa [email protected] Nur Hidayat [email protected] Mulia Damayanti [email protected] Handyka Wulandari [email protected] Imam Nur Mutaqim [email protected] <p><em>Ecoprint batik is a product that utilizes biological resources, namely utilizing natural dyes in the manufacturing process. These natural dyes are obtained from tannins or dyes of leaves, roots or stems that are placed on a piece of cloth. Then the cloth is boiled in a large cauldron. The KKN 22 group of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo scheduled an activity to make ecoprint batik for PKK women in Ngemplak Village, Gebang, Purworejo Regency. This activity was chosen because there are still many plants and trees that grow abundantly, so they can be utilized for making Ecoprint on Tote Bags. This activity was attended by 15 participants. The flow of implementation of this activity begins with situation analysis, Focus Group Discussion, preparation, program implementation and; monitoring and evaluation of activities. After the activities were completed, it was seen that the participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the entire series of activities. This can be seen from the start of the preparation to the practice of making batik using ecoprint. Batik creations made by all participants have been successfully created, producing clear and unfaded colors.</em></p> 2024-04-28T08:24:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hamid Muhammad Jumasa Jumasa