Pedagogical Research Journal Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Lancang Kuning en-US Pedagogical Research Journal Critical Discourse Analysis: The Influence of Kampung Inggris Advertising Language for University Students <p>Advertising as a form of promotion with language that is persuasive so that readers can believe in the words of the advertiser either directly or indirectly. In this study, the researchers aim to analyze how advertising language can attract the attention of readers or students. The researchers used a qualitative method in analyzing the advertising language in Kampung Inggris which focuses on how the text creator arranges words so that it can persuade and attract people. Data was collected by observing the Kampung Inggris' advertising language, interviewing sources from the Kampung Inggris and analyzing the results of the data using discourse analysis techniques.&nbsp; The findings of this study indicate that readers of advertisements are attracted to Kampung Inggris clear and simple advertising language and there are bonuses if they join the institution but the results after joining the institution will be different for each person. The institution also promotes advertisements by online and offline means which makes it more widely known to the society.</p> Melani Hasibuan Marwa Marwa Romauli Megaria Arif Rahmat Maulana Betta Rovala Citrana Sitohang Cindy Mutiara Aprilia Agustin Leonigrum Copyright (c) 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 2 33 42 Conversation Analysis Turn-taking and Adjacency Pairs in Students’ Conversation at English Education Department <p>This study aims to look at conversation analysis (CA). The data used in this study are video recordings and transcripts of random conversations conducted by English Language Education students at Lancang Kuning University. This study aims to describe how turn-taking patterns and adjacency pairs found in the conversation. Which addresses the topic of culture for examples “culture, tribe, language, tradition and food”. Communication and culture are closely related to how people live their lives, learn, think, feel, behave, and accept what is right according to their beliefs. The researchers used qualitative research which focuses more on a deep understanding of the concept of an object under study rather than analysing data using statistical analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, in the Turn-Taking analysis the pattern that often appears is overlap and in the adjacency pairs analysis the pattern that often appears is question-answer.</p> Neni Kusnita Sari Aprilia Yunda Fatimah Salsabila Andika Dinata Kevin Maranata Marwa Marwa Muliardi Muliardi Copyright (c) 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 2 43 48 Students’ Speaking Strategies in English For Learning Classroom <p>This study attempts to investigate the level of use of speaking strategies among English students of the Department of English Education. As the results show, the mean score of speaking strategies is 3.78. Therefore, English Education Department students enrolled in the 2022/2023 academic year use speaking strategies at a moderate level of usage. The strategy most used by English students in the English Language Education Department of Universitas Lancang Kuning for the 2022/2023 academic year is Nonverbal strategies with an average score of 3.58 at a high level of use. A number of study ideas are presented that are geared toward English students and those who are interested in mastering speaking techniques. Because research has shown that speaking techniques benefit students in various ways during the learning process. According to the findings of this study, Nonverbal learning strategies of the six categories are the most effective strategies for helping students speak English. It is highly recommended that students use Nonverbal tactics to make learning English easier to understand, such as paying attention when someone is speaking English, looking for ways to improve as an English learner, and considering their progress. Additionally, speaking strategies might be discussed in various study populations for those who wish to perform related research in order to get more complete research results.</p> Grace Novita Marwa Marwa Rinda Widuri Denius Gori Copyright (c) 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 2 49 54 A Correlation Between EFL Students’ Learning Styles and Academic Achievements <p>A student's learning style is the most important factor that affects the way a student learns, completes tasks, learning motivation, learning concentration, and thinking ability. There are different types of learning styles including visual, auditory, and tactile learning styles. The researchers intended to investigate the relationship between learning styles and academic achievement of ELT course students. To obtain the student learning style score, the researchers used a questionnaire (adopted from the University of Texas Learning Center, 2006). And in terms of collecting data in Academic Achievement the researchers collect the GPA from recording student GPA. The results of the above calculations show that from a total sample of 30 students, based on the calculated r-value (Pearson correlation), it is known that the calculated r-number for the relationship between learning style (X) and academic performance (Y) is responsible) If 0.987 &gt; r Table 0.361, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between learning style variables and academic performance variables. As proof of this, the average value of auditory learning style is 24,93. Although students tend to have different learning styles, audio-based activities are the most popular among them.</p> Andre Pranata Ilham Dua Nanda Milka Moniung Queen Dwi Putri Susi Astuti Marwa Marwa Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogical Research Journal 2024-02-16 2024-02-16 1 2 55 64 Analyse the Reasons Why Users of Translation Applications Have Perceptions of the Results of the Usefulness of Google Translate <p>According to various studies, the accuracy of Google Translate varies depending on the language pair and content type. Some reports show that Google Translate can reach up to 94% accuracy, while others show a lower accuracy rate. Google's shift to Neural Machine Translation (NMT) in 2016 improved the accuracy of translations by over 60% for several major language pairs. However, Google Translate may still struggle with complex language structures or specialized terminology, leading to inaccuracies. In general, Google Translate can be a useful tool for basic translations, but it may not be suitable for more complex or confidential documents. Human translators are still preferred for translations that require nuance and technical accuracy. In conclusion, users' perceptions of the usefulness of Google Translate can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the accuracy of translations, speed, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, language pair, and context. While some users may find the tool helpful for basic translations, others may have a more negative perception due to the potential for inaccuracies and limitations in context understanding.</p> Oriza Elland Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogical Research Journal 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 1 2 65 70