Analyse the Reasons Why Users of Translation Applications Have Perceptions of the Results of the Usefulness of Google Translate

  • Oriza Elland Universitas Lancang Kuning


According to various studies, the accuracy of Google Translate varies depending on the language pair and content type. Some reports show that Google Translate can reach up to 94% accuracy, while others show a lower accuracy rate. Google's shift to Neural Machine Translation (NMT) in 2016 improved the accuracy of translations by over 60% for several major language pairs. However, Google Translate may still struggle with complex language structures or specialized terminology, leading to inaccuracies. In general, Google Translate can be a useful tool for basic translations, but it may not be suitable for more complex or confidential documents. Human translators are still preferred for translations that require nuance and technical accuracy. In conclusion, users' perceptions of the usefulness of Google Translate can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the accuracy of translations, speed, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, language pair, and context. While some users may find the tool helpful for basic translations, others may have a more negative perception due to the potential for inaccuracies and limitations in context understanding.


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