JCOMMITS: Journal of Community Empowerment, Inovation, and sustainable 2024-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Winda Monika [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jcommits</strong>: jurnal pelayanan masyarakat yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun (<strong>Juni dan Desember</strong>) oleh LPPM Universitas Lancang Kuning, menerima artikel yang merupakan hasil diseminasi dari program-program kegiatan pelayanan masyarakat (PKM). Artikel yang dapat diterima adalah hasil dari kegiatan PKM yang berkontribusi pada penerapan temuan dan pengembangan IPTEKS yang relevan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan pendidikan masyarakat serta memajukan bangsa.</p> Pengelolaan Sampah di TPS3R Pandan Bersih Desa Pudak Kecamatan Kumpeh 2024-01-10T10:50:24+00:00 Hutwan Syarifuddin [email protected] Hamzah [email protected] Jalius [email protected] Afreni Hamidah [email protected] <p><em>The waste handling program is one of the efforts to maintain the cleanliness of the environment and reduce pollution. Training activities on waste management and maggot cultivation through Community Service (CS) aim to increase knowledge, insight, and care for the environment and village entrepreneurship through the Pandan Bersih Non-Community Group (NCG). The Community Service activities provide skills to NCG and the surrounding community to process waste (organic and inorganic) and maggot cultivation, thereby increasing selling value and environmentally friendly products. Based on the results of the evaluation conducted on the training participants, this activity is needed, especially in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment and reducing the stench from garbage. Participants felt that so far their knowledge was still very limited. In the future, it is expected that other programs in processing inorganic waste, such as plastic into con blocks, paving blocks and fuel, will produce environmentally friendly maggots. </em></p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PEMBERDAYAAN POKJA IV DESA PONRE-PONRE INOVASI HAIR TONIK DAN SAMPO HERBAL TANAMAN 2024-01-10T10:59:33+00:00 Wiwi Damayanti [email protected] Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar [email protected] Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar [email protected] Andi Srimularahmah [email protected] Ayunita [email protected] Susiana Ahmad [email protected] A. Nurannisa [email protected] <p><em>Hair is the crown for every person in the world. Some problems that occur on the scalp such as hair loss, dandruff and odor in the hair. Along with the rapid development of the cosmetic and hair care industry which tends to rely on chemicals, synthetics and minoxidil have the potential to cause effects such as skin allergies including hair damage if used for a long time. One of the hair care traditions carried out by our ancestors that has been passed down from generation to generation is the use of coconut milk, which creates an unpleasant or rancid aroma. Therefore, the implementation of community service programs is carried out to be able to help partners by applying the concept of living back to nature which is also supported by the abundance of natural wealth, especially in Ponre-Ponre Village by optimizing the potential of the surrounding nature as Ethno-Hair SPA natural surfactants such as guava leaves. seeds, hibiscus leaves and coconut dregs into hair tonic and shampoo by going through three main stages in implementing this community service, namely socialization/counseling, training and mentoring. The results achieved show that the increase in partners' knowledge regarding the utilization of guava leaves, hibiscus leaves and coconut dregs to become hair tonic and shampoo has increased by 90%, in the ability of partners to utilize guava leaves, hibiscus leaves and coconut dregs reaching 90%.</em></p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Pemanfaatan Limbah Sekam Padi Kombinasi Daun Bambu Sebagai Pupuk Kalium Silika Pada Kelompok Karang Taruna 2024-01-10T11:08:19+00:00 Fani Wulandari [email protected] Naimah [email protected] Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar [email protected] Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar [email protected] Karmila [email protected] Rahman [email protected] <p><em>The high number of rice production and the wide area of rice fields in Pationgi Village with an intensity of harvesting 3 times a year makes Pationgi Village the largest rice producer in Patimpeng District. This rice husk waste is a problem where the Massedi Youth Organization Group who also works at the rice mill feel confused about how to process waste that is not used properly and greatly reduces aesthetics and pollutes the environment, where this waste is simply thrown away, burned and just piled up. So that with this service program it will help the community in the implementation of making potassium silica fertilizer through several methods starting from the counseling, training and mentoring stages to partners. The results of this program are able to increase partners' knowledge and productivity in processing rice husk waste from a combination of bamboo leaves into potassium silica fertilizer. The resulting product is packaged in small jerry cans with a size of 1 liter. This service was carried out in Pationgi Village by involving the maseddi youth group as partners. The results obtained from this community service are ways to handle rice husk and bamboo leaf waste by treating the waste as potassium silicate fertilizer.</em></p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Pemanfaatan Buah Pinus Sebagai Bio-briket dalam Mendukung Capacity Building Pemuda Desa Pationgi 2024-01-10T11:17:30+00:00 Andi Riska [email protected] A. Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar [email protected] A. Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar [email protected] Muh. Safar [email protected] Yulita [email protected] Hasmariyanti [email protected] A. Nurannisa [email protected] <p><em>Pinecone waste has been a crucial problem for rubber farmers in Pationgi Village, Patimpeng District, Bone Regency. Various methods have been used by partners to overcome the collection of fruit waste, starting from making holes for waste and burning it bit by bit. But this adds to the problem because it causes widespread forest fires and causes air pollution. Therefore, in implementing the community service student creativity program, it is carried out to assist partners in transforming pinecone waste into bio briquettes through three main stages in the implementation of this community service namely Tudang Sipulung (Counseling), Sipakario- Rio (Training) and Siaseddingeng (Assistance) which is a term that is familiar to partners to hear. The results obtained show an increase in knowledge and capacity building of partners regarding the utilization of pinecone waste into bio-briquettes with an increase of 90%, for partners' ability to utilize pinecone waste reaching 85%. Increased partners are able to build skilled souls and instill the entrepreneurial spirit of partners and make bio-briquettes a wood substitute fuel.</em></p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PEMBERDAYAAN KARANG TARUNA DALAM PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH TERNAK SAPI, ARANG SEKAM, DEDAK PADI SEBAGAI PUPUK BOKASHI 2024-01-10T11:28:57+00:00 Mutmainna [email protected] Muhammad Ali Tahir [email protected] Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar [email protected] Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar [email protected] Andi Nurannisa [email protected] Nur Amalia [email protected] Andi Widia Diningsih [email protected] <p><em>The problem of cow dung waste in Tappale Village, especially for Karang Taruna Sipabokori partners in Tappale Village, is still a crucial problem. So far, cow dung waste has only been thrown away and piled up, sometimes people even throw it in waterways, thereby polluting the environment. Therefore, with the Community Service Program (PKM-PM) activities, we will provide a solution to Karang Taruna Sipabokori partners in Tappale Village in processing cow dung waste into bokashi fertilizer as an alternative companion fertilizer. The implementation method for PKM-PM activities is carried out in three stages, namely the counseling or socialization stage, the training stage and the mentoring stage. The results of implementing PKM activities for partners showed a significant increase in knowledge and skills regarding the benefits of cow dung waste and partners were able to process cow dung waste into bokashi fertilizer with additional supporting materials, namely husk charcoal and rice bran with an increase of 90%, packaging and labeling reached 90% percentage and marketing reach 100% percentage.</em></p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Utilitasi Buah Maja menjadi Pestisida Nabati dan Pupuk Organik pada Kelompok Pemuda Hipma Desa Maggenrang 2024-01-11T02:20:28+00:00 Andi Rosdaliani [email protected] Andi Trisnowali [email protected] Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar [email protected] Andi Muhammad Iqbal Akbar Asfar [email protected] Andi Nurannisa [email protected] Wahdania [email protected] Topan Arya Harahap [email protected] <p><em>Scattered maja fruits are the main problem in Pettungnge Hamlet, Maggenrang Village, Kahu Sub-district, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Maja fruits in Pettungnge Hamlet are usually left lying around and even thrown into the river by partners because they have an unpleasant smell. This will certainly add to the problem of pollution of the river water ecosystem. Therefore, the implementation of community service was carried out to transform maja fruit into natural control materials and organic fertilizers with three main stages, namely tudang seppo (counseling and socialization), training, and mentoring. The results obtained showed an increase in partner knowledge and skills related to partner knowledge in utilizing maja fruit, maja fruit production, and marketing with an increase of 90% each for partner ability to utilize maja fruit, 90% in the ability to make natural control materials and organic fertilizers, and 80% in partner knowledge in marketing. In addition, the improvement of partner skills can also build partner entrepreneurial spirit.</em></p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)