• Amri amri
  • Rina Novia Yanti Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • anto ariyanto Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: Environment inovation, Ecological aspect, Economic aspec, Social aspect


Excessive exploitation of natural resources can damage and reduce environmental quality. The high pollutant load reduces the carrying capacity and capacity of the environment which ultimately reduces the quality of life of the community itself. The formulation of regional innovations in environmental management has not been structured systematically and is still partial for the benefit of each government agency in Pelalawan Regency. Apart from that, the effectiveness of each of these innovations needs to be researched further as input for future improvements in these innovations. Research activities were carried out using survey methods, namely by conducting observations and interviews in the field for parameters in 3 sub-districts in Pelalawan Regency. Apart from that, this research is also supported by secondary data to analyze survey results in the field and create policy directions regarding the studies carried out. Environmental problems in Pelalawan Regency are generally related to land conversion, flooding, abrasion and sedimentation as well as river silting and environmental management that has been carried out in Pelalawan Regency related to these problems has been carried out with various regulations and arrangements carried out by Pelalawan Regency Environmental Service. Regional innovations in overcoming problems in environmental management in Pelalawan Regency consist of innovations by the regional government in improving services and ease of permits, building wells, while innovations from the community are in the form of palm oil palm blade sharpening machines, while those from the private sector with their CSR programs starting from the Fire Free Village , Proklim and so on. The success of these innovations in overcoming environmental problems in Pelalawan Regency has been seen and felt by the community both in relation to government programs and those that have been carried out by the community, but quantitatively it is still less than other districts.


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How to Cite
amri, A., Yanti, R. N., & ariyanto, anto. (2024). INOVASI DAERAH DALAM PENGELOLAAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP DI KABUPATEN PELALAWAN. Green Tech: Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 2(1), 11-19. Retrieved from
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